When Sky was a puppy, I took her to a puppy school in Ljubljana. We were going to KD Agility Ilirija and our teacher was multi Agility World Champion Silvia Trkman

  We finished the course with a very successful exam and I am more than pleased with things Sky's learned there.




Our puppy school (March 2009)

>> The things we have learnt there: VIDEO <<

And here are some other things Sky knows at 5 months :)







I took Lia to a puppy school 'Blazno Blatno' nearby. It was a lot of fun and we learn many of tricks and some basic obedience.




   I took Lani to a puppy school MI2 (Sara Čotar). Sara emphasizes socialization of a puppy as well as understanding your dog and forming a strong bond with him/her. Also Lani's sisters Tara and Sia went to the same puppy school.